Thursday, August 9, 2012

God.....What do I do while I'm stuck here??

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:28) This is the verse I think about when I don't know what God wants me to do.....if I don't have clear direction.....I just look for opportunities to serve.
I hear some military wives complain about being where they don't like, or never wanted to be. But if you trust Jesus than you can be assured He has a purpose for you wherever you are. God can use you in powerful and extraordinary ways if you allow Him. It may be small or big but if you are not open to God working in and through you, than you may never know the impact you could have.
Be on the look-out.....God will provide an opportunity!
Here are a few ideas:
  • Make a meal for another family
  • Give flowers to a wife of a deployed member
  • Send a card or e-mail
  • Babysit for someone or offer a playdate
  • Invite someone over for coffee
  • Give another military wife a care package
  • Make a commitment to pray for someone specific (and stay faithful)
Sometimes it seems easier to serve with a group. Are you in a small group yet? Here are a few ideas for small groups to serve together: (Local Offutt....but most cities will have something similar)

There are endless opportunities to serve our community and one another but remember what 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." The greatest thing you could ever do for someone is love them as Christ loves them. Be His hands, feet, and mouth when He calls!


Kim said...

I love these ideas! I'm particularly fond of the cute door decoration/care package you posted a picture of :) I've now got some new arsenal in my "fun things to do when school is over" box :) said...

Got it from Pinterest! Don't you just love Pinterest!!!

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